Obscured #1 – Call for Submissions

It’s time for me to stop prevaricating and get something out there!

The first Call for Submissions to ‘Obscured’ is now announced – if you prefer the full document you can download/read it here.

Behind the Mask

Since we took to wearing furs and created language, humanity has chosen to ‘cover up’ and so obscure itself. Not only a physical act – we often obscure true thoughts, beliefs and actions for a variety of reasons.

Due to their difference, persecution and lack of acceptance people who found themselves to be gay have had more reasons than others to obscure themselves.

Obscured is a new irregular zine-type publication – combined with an associated website platform – which will issue a series of calls for submission of themes around the broader one – how gay people have obscured themselves in the past and how we still feel the need to obscure today.

Obscured has been created to provide a new space for gay artists to share their works and provide an outlet for discussion around our identified themes.

For the full ‘call’ – download/read it here.

Update: Deadline extended to 31 August 2014.